Friday, October 27, 2006

I just cant say no!

I picked up little man today at school and he told me he pulled 3 cards today and he now has remidation on Tuesday. When he told me he started to cry and I felt bad for him but he brings this on himself for not taking his completed work to school. So we are driving along and go to the Boro to pay car payment and on the way back to Lavergne he pleads with me to stop at the Tractor supply company and buy him a few toy trucks. I told him no but watched him in the rear veiw mirror and his face was so sad and I got to thinking that this boy's father is away for work and I know he misses his father and his mother , well thats a whole other blog post in when we got to Smyrna I decided to go ahead and stop and buy him these little trucks. Little man is such a good boy and sometimes I feel so sorry for him since his mother is white trailor trash. Does anyone have this problem with saying NO to their youngins? let me know......

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